About Me

I am a fourth-year computer science Ph.D. candidate at the University of California-Santa Cruz (UCSC), advised by Professor Faisal Nawab (UCI). My research aims to build distributed systems that empower deep learning (DL) applications. I have previously worked on improving the trade-off between latency and accuracy of DL computer vision real-time applications. Recently, I have been developing a Machine Unlearning approach to train DL models with the data protection regulations in mind; specifically articales similar to GDPR’s article 17: “the right to be forgotten”.

Prior to starting my Ph.D. at UCSC, I worked at the intersection of data science and economy. During my Master’s studies, I developed a recommendation system that utilized heterogeneous open government data and ML alogrithms to help first-time home buyers, decide based on different factors, the most compatible zipcode area for them.

For more information, visit my resume.

Selected Publications:

  • Samaa Gazzaz, Vishal Chakraborty, Faisal Nawab - Croesus: Multi-Stage Processing and Transactions for Video-Analytics in Edge-Cloud Systems. ICDE 2022.(PDF)
  • Samaa Gazzaz, Faisal Nawab - Collaborative edge-cloud and edge-edge video analytics. SoCC 2019.(PDF)
  • Samaa Gazzaz, Praveen Rao - Extracting Meaningful Insights on City and Zone Levels Utilizing US Open Government Data. In the 3rd Workshop on Women in Web Data Science (WinDS) @ WWW 2019, pages 1279-1285, San Francisco, CA, 2019.(PDF)